Microsoft Publisher is a desktop publishing application. This program is part of the Microsoft Office business packages (Standard, Professional & Professional Plus). Unlike Microsoft Word, which focuses on text composition and proofreading, MS Publisher focuses on page design and layout.
Publisher can be used to create a wide variety of publications, from business cards and calendars to newsletters and greeting cards. Publisher is an easy-to-use program for users who are not design professionals and is also a cheaper replacement for programs such as Adobe InDesign.
Available in the more expensive versions of Microsoft Office, Publisher can be used to create a wide variety of publications, from business cards and calendars to newsletters and greeting cards.
What is Microsoft Publisher used for?
Microsoft Office Publisher is used to create professional documents. It is very similar to Microsoft Word. Compared to the well-known Microsoft Word, Publisher pays more attention to page layout and design and less to word layout and composition. If a simple professional document or a complex document according to business needs needs to be created, you can choose one of the available templates and easily edit and customize it to your personal needs.
There is a wide variety of templates in Publisher. After a suitable template is chosen, the images and texts are added. Documents in Microsoft Publisher are saved as a file with the extension .pub. After the desired document is created, this software offers the option to email it to anyone or publish it online or export it as another file format.
Whether you are a beginner at digital publishing or want to jump right in, Microsoft Publisher is easy to use. With a user-friendly interface and all the features you need, you can easily produce high-quality publications, no matter what your skill level.
Handy wizards
Need a helping hand creating a particular publication? Microsoft Office Publisher has a number of handy wizards to help you design everything; from banners and brochures to newsletters and even websites.
Create a wide range of publications
Although Microsoft Publisher is often associated with designing newsletters and brochures, that's not the only thing it's good for. You can use the software to create a wide variety of publications, including proposals, product sheets, service guides and more.
Drag and drop
A Publisher design doesn't have to be complicated when you use MS Publisher. The software has a handy drag-and-drop feature that lets you quickly insert photos and other media into your publications. Drag and drop saves you a lot of time. You can even insert content directly from your social media pages into your document.
Courses for Publisher are suitable for any end user, whether private or business. You choose as a learning level between Beginner courses, Advanced courses and even Expert courses. It is up to each person to decide which level to choose. Do you need advice on this? Then we are here for you via phone, chat and email.
For each online course purchased, you have 1 year of access. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for up to 365 days. So you decide when and for how long you learn for the course. Is the daytime inconvenient? The evening and night are available to you. Even if you go on vacation for a few weeks, this is no problem and you simply pick it up after your well deserved vacation.
OEM Office Elearning Menu has years of experience in providing online courses and training. From Excel, Word and Outlook to high professional ICT training for Cisco, AWS, CompTIA and more.
OEM is an official Microsoft Partner, CertiPort Partner and EC-Council Partner. With over 1000 courses from more than 200 brands, our offer is suitable for every PC user. Whether you are a first time PC user starting up Word for the first time, or an ICT professional wanting to know more about Data Security; OEM has the right course or training for you. Missing a training? Let us know and we will gladly look at the options together.
Each completed course provides you with an official certificate of participation. This is personal and specifically addressed to the student. Every Incompany training course automatically delivers a certificate of participation. For each E-learning course you need to have completed at least 70% of the practical assignments to receive a certificate of participation.
Choose from 1000+ training courses from 200+ brands for your personal and business development.
An Excel course, Word course or even a full Office course always comes in handy. We deal with Microsoft programs on a daily basis and it will save you a lot of time to master them properly.
We also have training courses for ICT professionals at OEM Office Elearning Menu. For example, you will learn to deal with databases, servers, learn programming or even become a certified ethical hacker. Learn everything online through E-learning, through course books, walk-in trainings or through Incompany trainings within the company you work for.