API Testing with REST Assured Training

API Testing with REST Assured Training
API Testing with REST Assured E-Learning Training Certified teachers Quizzes Assessments Tips tricks and Certificate.
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API Testing with REST Assured E-Learning
API testing has become critical to the software development lifecycle, ensuring that APIs function correctly and meet specified requirements. REST Assured, a powerful Java library simplifies the testing of RESTful web services by providing a domain-specific language (DSL) that enables developers to write concise and readable tests. Leveraging REST Assured allows for the seamless integration of API testing into the continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline, thereby enhancing web applications' overall quality and reliability.
In this LearningKit, you will recall how REST APIs function, set up a Maven project, and perform basic API tests. This foundation includes matching numeric and string objects, collections, and arrays using Hamcrest, validating API headers, and managing query and path parameters. As you progress, you will use REST Assured for response body validation, generate JSON schemas, and employ advanced validation techniques for JSON and XML data. You will develop and test APIs using various HTTP verbs and manage request and response bodies with POJOs. Comprehensive data-driven testing with TestNG and configuring authentication for secure API access are also covered. To ensure clean, maintainable code, you will adopt best practices in API testing, such as request and response logging and fault injection. Integrating API testing into CI/CD pipelines with Jenkins, customizing reporting frameworks like Extent and Allure reports, implementing API mocking with WireMock, and conducting load testing using Apache JMeter are key skills that round out the comprehensive learning experience.
This LearningKit with more than 18 hours of learning is divided into three tracks:
Course content
REST Assured API Testing: Getting Started with REST Assured Testing
Course: 1 Hour, 18 Minutes
- Course Overview
- API Testing with REST Assured
- Setting up the Environment for an IntelliJ Project
- Running a REST Assured Test
- Viewing HTTP Endpoints
- Viewing a Response
- Validating a Response Header and Body
- Validating a Response with a Fluent Interface
- Course Summary
REST Assured API Testing: Using Hamcrest Matchers to Validate Responses
Course: 1 Hour, 22 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Using Hamcrest Matchers with Numeric Values
- Using Hamcrest Matchers with Strings
- Using Hamcrest Matchers with Collections and Arrays
- Using Hamcrest Matchers to Test Java Objects
- Using Hamcrest to Validate Headers
- Using Advanced Matching Techniques to Validate Headers
- Specifying URLs with Path Parameters and Query Parameters
- Specifying Named and Unnamed Path Parameters
- Specifying Query Parameters
- Course Summary
REST Assured API Testing: Validating JSON Responses & Schemas
Course: 1 Hour, 48 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Validating JSON Responses Using JSONPath
- Validating JSON Response with Nested Structures
- Validating Collections in the JSON Response
- Extracting Values from Responses
- Generating JSON Schema for Validation
- Validating JSON Schema
- Using JSON Schema Dialects
- Validating Response Type and Response Properties
- Configuring Required Properties and Additional Properties
- Specifying Range Constraints for Response Values
- Validating Nested JSON Fields and JSON Arrays
- Validating XML Responses
- Course Summary
REST Assured API Testing: Testing Different Types of HTTP Endpoints
Course: 1 Hour, 45 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Setting up a Spring Web Application for a REST API Server
- Exploring the Bug API Endpoints
- Running an API Server
- Making HEAD and OPTIONS Requests
- Making and Testing POST Requests
- Specifying a Request Body Using JSON Objects
- Testing PUT, PATCH, DELETE Requests
- Deserializing JSON Responses
- Deserializing Nested Objects
- Eliminating Boilerplate Code Using Lombok
- Using POJOs to Specify a Request Body
- Course Summary
REST Assured Configuration: Data-driven Testing with TestNG and REST Assured
Course: 2 Hours, 6 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Data-driven Testing
- Setting up a Project for an API
- Exploring API Endpoints
- Exploring API Requests and Parameters
- Performing Regular API Testing
- Writing Data-driven Parameterized Tests
- Specifying Multiple Parameters Using a Data Provider
- Specifying Request Body Using JSON Files
- Data-driven Tests Using POJOs
- Specifying Request Body Using CSV Files
- Specifying Request Body Using Excel Files
- Simplifying, Parsing, and Reading Excel Files Using Poiji
- Field Mapping Using Poiji
- Course Summary
REST Assured Configuration: Making Authenticated Requests to APIs
Course: 58 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Exploring Challenged and Preemptive Basic Authentication
- Authenticating Using Digest Authentication
- Using OAuth1 to Authenticate to API Endpoints
- Authenticating to API Endpoints Using OAuth
- Sending Requests with Random Usernames
- Using Authentication for End-to-End Testing
- Course Summary
REST Assured Configuration: Architecting & Structuring API Tests
Course: 1 Hour, 32 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Exploring REST Assured Global Variables
- Eliminating Boilerplate with Request and Response Configuration
- Configuring URL Redirection
- Exploring REST Assured Configurations
- Architecting Clean Code for Tests
- Moving Reusable Components to the Base Class
- Integrating Tests with the Maven Build Life Cycle
- Configuring a Test Environment
- Course Summary
REST Assured Configuration: Error Handling & Fault Injection in API Tests
Course: 1 Hour, 29 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Error Handling in Application Programming Interface (API) Tests
- Logging Requests
- Logging Responses
- Mimicking Flaky Tests
- Retrying Test Cases with Custom Code
- Retrying Tests Using Awaitility
- Using the Envoy Proxy for Fault Injection
- Making Requests to the Envoy Proxy Server
- Performing Fault Injection
- Course Summary
REST Assured Configuration: Continuous Integration Pipelines for API Tests
Course: 2 Hours, 14 Minutes
- Course Overview
- CI/CD Testing Pipelines
- Installing Jenkins
- Setting up a Test Script for Jenkins
- Running Tests in Jenkins
- Committing Tests to GitHub
- Integrating Jenkins with Git and Maven
- Working with Manually Triggered and Scheduled Builds
- Polling GitHub Repository to Trigger Builds
- Exposing Locally Running Jenkins as a Public URL
- Automating Jenkins Builds with GitHub Push Notifications
- Configuring Jenkins to Send Emails
- Creating a CI/CD Pipeline Using GitHub Actions
- Running the GitHub Actions Workflow Successfully
- Configuring Maven Surefire Reports in the Workflow
- Configuring Sending Emails Using GitHub Actions
- Course Summary
REST Assured Techniques: Integrating Reporting with REST Assured API Testing
Course: 2 Hours, 12 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Report and Test Integration
- Setting up the Application Programming Interface (API) Server and Tests
- Setting up a Basic Extent Report
- Setting up an ITestListener for Reporting
- Wiring up the Listener to Get Test Results
- Adding Request and Response Logging Details to the Extent Report
- Customizing Extent Reports
- Integrating Extent Reports with the GitHub Actions Workflow
- Configuring Allure Reporting for Tests
- Organizing and Customizing Allure Reports
- Configuring Request and Response Details in Allure Reports
- Customizing Test Categories in Allure
- Integrating Allure Reporting in a GitHub Actions Workflow
- Course Summary
REST Assured Techniques: Using WireMock API Mocking & JMeter Load Testing
Course: 1 Hour, 37 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Application Programming Interface (API) Mocking Using WireMock
- Setting Up a Basic WireMock Server
- Mocking Endpoints Using JSON Files to Configure Responses
- Using Response Templating in WireMock
- Executing Request Matching in WireMock
- Using JSON to Stub API Endpoints
- Apache JMeter For Performance Testing
- Making API Requests with JMeter
- Configuring JMeter Assertions and Assertion Results
- Running Load Tests Using the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and Logging Results
- Running Load Tests Using the JMeter Command Line
- Course Summary
- Final Exam: API Testing with REST Assured
Language | English |
Qualifications of the Instructor | Certified |
Course Format and Length | Teaching videos with subtitles, interactive elements and assignments and tests |
Lesson duration | 18:21 Hours |
Assesments | The assessment tests your knowledge and application skills of the topics in the learning pathway. It is available 365 days after activation. |
Online Virtuele labs | Receive 12 months of access to virtual labs corresponding to traditional course configuration. Active for 365 days after activation, availability varies by Training |
Online mentor | You will have 24/7 access to an online mentor for all your specific technical questions on the study topic. The online mentor is available 365 days after activation, depending on the chosen Learning Kit. |
Progress monitoring | Yes |
Access to Material | 365 days |
Technical Requirements | Computer or mobile device, Stable internet connections Web browsersuch as Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge. |
Support or Assistance | Helpdesk and online knowledge base 24/7 |
Certification | Certificate of participation in PDF format |
Price and costs | Course price at no extra cost |
Cancellation policy and money-back guarantee | We assess this on a case-by-case basis |
Award Winning E-learning | Yes |
Tip! | Provide a quiet learning environment, time and motivation, audio equipment such as headphones or speakers for audio, account information such as login details to access the e-learning platform. |
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